About the CCG
Our Mission
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary’s mission is to save lives on the water and promote safe boating.
Our Vision
The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary aspires to become the premier volunteer water rescue and safety organization by:
- Striving to save all lives at risk
- Educating water-users about safe practices
- Sustaining Canada-wide partnerships with the Canadian Coast Guard and other maritime services agencies.

Our Values
- Celebrate the courage, dedication and humanity of our volunteer crew members
- Seek the highest standards of professionalism
- Sustain our voluntary fellowship
- Maintain our independence
- Gain the awareness and support of the public
- Encourage open and honest communications at all levels
- Promote teamwork, both amongst ourselves, and with our mission partners

Regional Offices
Contact Us
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary National
PO Box 44017
Ottawa RPO
Montreal Square
ON, K1K 4P8
PO Box 44017
Ottawa RPO
Montreal Square
ON, K1K 4P8