
We thank you for your generosity and your contribution in helping save lives on the water!
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSAR) is a volunteer marine rescue service that operates from 31 marine rescue stations along the coastal waters of British Columbia and the inland waters of the Shuswap. Our purpose build, fast rescue craft are crewed by 900 highly trained volunteers. Our area of operations that covers over 25,000 km of rugged coastline, in areas known for their challenging weather and sea conditions. RCMSAR volunteer crews are on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ready to respond to marine emergencies and save lives on the water. In an average year RCMSAR volunteers will responded to over 500 calls for assistance on the water which represents roughly twenty-five percent of all marine emergencies in our region.
Visit our website to learn more on how to become a RCMSAR volunteer or to financially support our operations.
A few interesting facts
RCMSAR promotes a “one-crew” culture.
Currently there are 974 volunteers
Within 31 stations in British Columbia
Contact the RCMSAR Auxiliary
Tracy Lakeman, Chair
Bill Riggs, Chief Executive Officer | bill.riggs@rcmsar.com
6040 East Sooke Road
Sooke, BC, V9Z 0Z7
Toll Free: 1-800-665-4757 | Fax: 778-352-1781
Volunteer Inquiries: volunteer@rcmsar.com
Regional Offices
Contact Us
PO Box 44017
Ottawa RPO
Montreal Square
ON, K1K 4P8