Join our team


Teamwork is one of our greatest strengths and there are many ways to volunteer both on and off the water!

Joining our SAR teams:

  • Must be the age of majority in accordance to provincial legislation
  • Be in good physical condition
  • Complete the Pleasure Craft Operator Certificate Course
  • Attain Marine Basic First Aid, equivalent certification or higher with CPR/AED Level C
  • For additional requirements contact the auxiliary nearest you

More Ways to Volunteer

Volunteers can also support the CCGA through:

Be an advocate for boating safety

Offer vessel maintenance and equipment management

Organize fundraising or special events

Support through media and marketing

Julia Crocker

CCGA Volunteer

Julia has been an auxiliary member since 2017, the same year her parents Bonnie & Morris joined the auxiliary! She feels very proud of her homeport in Trout River, NFLD where she is a commercial fisher. The Lady Geneva is the family vessel used to support CCGA-NL and Julia and her sister Josie Hann are in the process of adding a second vessel to the auxiliary fleet.

When a call for marine assistance is made in your community, you are guaranteed to know who it is, but no matter what area receives a call, all auxiliarists feel a personal connection to each rescue.

Rona Tepper

CCGA Volunteer

Rona recently celebrated her 7th anniversary with RCMSAR at Station 5 Crescent Beach, marking a significant milestone in her commitment to marine rescue. Her journey with RCMSAR is not just about service; it’s deeply personal. Having a connection to many people impacted by PTSD, Rona underwent CISM Training, becoming one of the 12 certified volunteers equipped to provide crucial support within RCMSAR. She is now a member of BC Search and Rescue Association’s CISM steering committee, and Chair of RCMSAR’s CISM team.

“There is nothing stronger than that of the bond that saves lives willingly, with nothing in return”

Jack Magnus

CCGA Volunteer

Jack has dedicated 5 years to volunteer service with RCMSAR Station 10 (Richmond) and 1.5 years to its governing body, the Fraser Marine Rescue Society. His journey into volunteering was spurred by an act of terrorism he experienced while he was a teenager, where his ability to remain calm in a crisis became evident.

Search & Rescue Training

Whether it’s sailing to respond on the water or supporting several essential administrative roles ashore, our organization is a vital contributor to Canada’s maritime services.


Our volunteers are mission ready!

Volunteers participate in instructor-led operational readiness training to prepare them for many levels of maritime response. We also participate in joint training exercises with other search and rescue agencies and organizations.


Teamwork is one of our greatest strengths!

Many exciting and challenging roles within the camaraderie of your team!

Response Time

Our average response time is 25 mins to deploy resources to a marine emergency event.

Contact Us

Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary National
PO Box 44017
Ottawa RPO
Montreal Square
ON, K1K 4P8
